At Kenner Electrics, we understand that we provide an essential service to our customers and their homes, businesses and facilities.
We also recognise that our electricians regularly come into contact with customers in the ‘high-risk’ categories for COVID-19 who are more susceptible to catching the virus, such as the elderly or those with pre-existing conditions.
Kenner Electrics and our whole team are committed to minimising the spread of COVID-19. We have already implemented the following measures to help keep our team and customers safe.
They will be reviewed regularly in accordance with current government and medical advice as the situation develops.
If you need an electrician that is taking the situation seriously, give Kenner Electrics a call on (03) 9996 0663.

What We’re Doing To Minimise Risk from COVID-19
Regular Health Updates from the Team
Kenner Electrics are monitoring our employees’ health on a daily basis to ensure all staff are fit for work. Our electricians are sending the office daily updates on their health. If any of our team feel any flu-like symptoms coming on, they will stay home.
If any of our employees are advised to stay home or have to self-isolate and this affects upcoming work, Kenner Electrics will notify you as soon as possible. We will arrange for another team to attend site or re-schedule the work to a suitable time.
Minimal Cross-Over of Teams
All our trade teams will be working independently with minimal cross-over to reduce any risk of infection over multiple teams. This will minimise the risk of cross-contamination between teams, and reduces the risk to our customers.

Infection Control Training
Our whole team have completed the COVID-19 Infection Control Training from the Department of Health to ensure that we know the most up to date advice on how to minimise spread and the best hygiene practices.
Hand Washing & Hygiene
We’re taking the following precautionary measures to ensure the hygiene of our electricians:
• Hand sanitiser available in every work vehicle for our electricians to use before and after each job
• Thoroughly washing our hands with soap and water whenever possible
• Keeping face masks and gloves in our vehicles to wear, should they be required
• Disinfectant spray and wipes in all vehicles for daily deep cleaning
Screening Questions During Booking and On The Day
The way you book in a job with us has changed slightly. Our Scheduler will ask you a few questions when booking in your job just to make sure you’re well and haven’t been in contact with any confirmed cases. We’ll also send you a text the morning of your job to double-check that no one in your home is experiencing any symptoms. This will help us to reduce the risk of spreading infection and will keep our team healthy to be able to help out all our customers during this time.
If you are experiencing symptoms, have tested positive, or have been overseas or in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19, we ask that you notify us immediately. We’re more than happy to reschedule your work. Following guidelines set by health authorities, we ensure our team takes necessary precautions, including the use of personal protective equipment, to maintain safety standards.
As part of the electrical industry, we remain committed to providing essential services while prioritising the well-being of our customers and staff. If you are unwell, we strongly encourage you to seek medical advice before proceeding with any scheduled work.
Physical Distancing with Customers
Our electricians will not shake your hand when they arrive on the job. But don’t worry, they’re not being rude! They’ll give you a call on their way to your job to explain the measures that we’ll be taking in your home.
All our team members have been instructed to maintain a 1.5+ meter distance when they’re in your home, to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Our office team
We are currently operating a ‘closed’ office, with only essential staff permitted access. Other office team members have been asked to work from home where possible.
But don’t worry, our Scheduler is still available to take bookings! Just give us a call on (03) 9996 0663.
We’re also discontinuing all in-person meetings and using telephone or video conferencing instead.
Regular monitoring of developments and advice
Our management team are regularly monitoring the development of COVID-19 and are reviewing all expert advice from medial and government bodies.
We’re holding regular toolbox meetings with our team to provide updates and ensure that all measure are being implemented.

We’re Still Here To Help
Kenner Electrics takes the view that taking a cautious and pragmatic approach facilitates an environment where we can continue to deliver you services.
We welcome the opportunity to share information and thinking around how we best manage our teams in ensuring any risk from COVID-19 is minimised and managed for all customers. If you have any ideas, suggestions or concerns, please contact our office on (03) 9996 0663.
We appreciate your support as a customer and ask that you please take care of yourself and those around you.